AANP's Position Statements
APRN Compact Licensure 🔗
The APRN Compact for multistate licensure was adopted by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) in August 2020. Review AANP's position on the revised compact.
Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners🔗
As licensed, independent clinicians, NPs practice autonomously and in coordination with health care professionals and other individuals. Learn more with this overview of the role, education, accountability, and responsibility of NPs.
Standards of Practice for Nurse Practitioners🔗
Whether you are just starting your path to becoming an NP, have been practicing for decades or are simply interested in NP practice, gain valuable information about NPs with this overview of AANP-developed Standards of Practice.
Prescriptive Authority🔗
Prescribing medications, devices, treatments and modalities is a central component of NP practice. Discover why AANP advocates that NPs have unlimited prescriptive authority in their scope of practice.
Use of Titles and Credentials in the Clinical Setting🔗
Patients have the right to know who is providing their care in the clinical setting, including the academic preparation of those health care professionals. Read AANP's position on the use of titles and credentials within health care settings.
Workplace Violence🔗
Proactive measures must be taken to ensure adequate protections are in place to maintain safe work environments. Read AANP's position on violence in the workplace.
Original artcle from AAPN Website - https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/advocacy-resource/position-statements